8 times Jonelle Price SLAYED the trot-up
Jonelle Price is among the best – if not THE best – cross-country riders in the world. But while we bow down before her...
Crazy South Island fun!
The South Islanders know how to put on some fun on Saturday night at the NRM National show jumping show - and this year...
Fortunately and unfortunately Mounted Games story
The South Island Equidays had a great mounted games display in the main arena at the showgrounds. As normal for mounted games, there were...
Best Springston save!
We saw some amazing displays on the fantastic Raikaia Pony Club cross-country course as part of the Springston Trophy. There were displays of great...
Clarke hits 30!
Happy birthday to Clarke Johnstone who has turned the grand old age of 30 today! To celebrate, we have put together our favourite photos...
HOY: a purple near-miss
Jasmine Sketchley did a great job of sticking with Bravado Ego Z in the Dunstan Nutrition Seven-Year-Old Horse class (as part of the Cortaflex...
Kruzah the character!
We've discovered a young horse that makes us smile even more than most horses. You just need to check out the videos of him...
Holidays with horses
We received some great entries for our Holidays with Horses photo competition, and we have chosen a few that will appear in the next...
Crazy Northlanders
When Sapphire O'Connell mounted a GoPro on her helmet, she did not expect the resulting video of her competing in the Pawarenga cross-country race to go...