Health & Wellbeing

10 signs of good health in your horse

1.  Temperature, pulse and respiration These are a good place to start. Your horse’s normal heart rate is 28-44 beats per minute. If you don’t have...

Feed your horse right!

The more we find out about nutrition and the role that it plays in good health, the more it’s clear how essential the right...

Toxic plants for horses

Sadly, many paddocks are infested with weeds and toxic plants that reduce the grass coverage and can cause harm to grazing horses. This is...

Worming: A targeted programme

There have been a lot of studies on worms, the diseases they cause and the drugs we use against them. Most horse owners will...

Lockdown boredom busters

If you’re unable to ride – or just don’t feel comfortable doing so during the lockdown period – there are still exercises you can...

Cushings: a testing time

The disease once referred to as Cushings, is now officially called Equine Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfuction. It's quite a mouthful, so it's shortened to...

When the heat is on

At this time of year, most of us are enjoying (or enduring) the hot summer weather. There have already been some days with very...

How to be a GREAT show parent

When it comes to supporting your child at shows or events, it’s easy to unwittingly add to the pressure instead of relieving it. Here...

14 winter rug hacks

1. Gaffer tape/duct tape is a great emergency solution for rug rips. It’s waterproof, and will hold the rip together for a day or...

Avoiding the winter doldrums

Winter’s tough on horse owners – no sunny shows or long, lazy treks to enjoy, and instead there’s mud, cold and rain to contend with....

