Regaining confidence after a fall
Q: A year ago I had a very nasty fall from a new horse onto some pretty hard ground. I broke a few things...
The Cushing’s effect
Q: I have a question for your vet about Cushing's disease. I know about some of the symptoms, such as a curly coat that...
A spring WOF for your horse
At last we are getting into spring, and the start of the new season. It is always an exciting time, as most of us...
Grass: too much of a good thing
Q: My TB-cross gelding is a very good do-er and right now (at the end of winter) he's in great condition. Trouble is...
Poison in the paddock
Horses are usually pretty clever about knowing what’s good to eat, and what’s not. And usually poisonous plants protect themselves from being eaten through...
When to worm? Low egg counts
Q: I do faecal counts both spring and autumn, and my horse routinely shows low counts. Should I deworm once a year anyway? Is it...
Body protectors: what you need to know
August 1 2020 was the date that a new minimum standard for body protectors was introduced in New Zealand, both for pony club and...
Goal setting for success
When it comes to setting goals for the season ahead, many of us fluff around. Our dreams and aspirations for ourselves and our horses...
Dealing with a nightmare!
Q: My warmblood mare, who is six, seems to cycle all year around, and she's really tricky to deal with when she is in...
Do horses feel the cold?
Horses have the same mechanism for keeping warm or cooling down that humans have. When we get too hot, the blood vessels in our...