Ageing horses by their teeth
Q: There’s been a fair bit of discussion online recently about the accuracy of ageing a horse by their teeth. From what I can...
Fight arthritis at every age
Arthritis is often thought of as a natural part of ageing, both in humans and in horses and other animals. This is partly because...
Keep your riding mojo this winter!
With the competition season now over, and the days getting colder and darker, it can be difficult to find the motivation to exercise and...
Frosty grass and horses
Q: Is it safe for horses to graze on frosted grass? I recall from my dim, dark pony club days that it can be...
When to geld your colt
Q: I have a six-month-old colt and I’d like Dave’s opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of getting him gelded early (before winter really...
Taking on an older horse
Older horses and ponies often have a lot of good qualities. Usually, they will have had a lifetime going out and about to lots...
The feeding rules for horses
You can do a lot of different things when it comes to feeding your horse, and he’ll be fine. You can feed out of...
New year, new you: cultivating confidence
I’m doing something radical this year; I’ve decided to do away with traditional goal setting. The reason? I’m not sure it’s the most effective...
Broodmare care
The exciting breeding season is well under way! Many of us have spent long months eagerly awaiting the birth of a beautiful new foal....
Clover for horses
Q: Clover in pasture for horses – good or bad? From my high school horticulture lessons, I learned that clover is a nitrogen fixer...