Mothers of horse riders, we salute you! Growing up, all most teenagers want is a lift to the nearest mall, a decent data plan and the latest iPhone, and perhaps a dog. Horse kids, on the other hand, want a pony, a float and a 4WD to pull it with, and help to clean gear, plait manes and get to shows before sunrise most weekends.
If your mother put aside her own dreams, pinched pennies and swallowed her fears so you could have horses, make sure you thank her for it this Mother’s day. Here’s why you should:
1. Horses always scared her, but she put her fears aside so you could do what you loved.
2. For years, she listened to you bang on about horses, horses and more horses around the clock, without (much) complaint.
3. She never missed a lesson, a clinic or a competition, even though watching you made her nervous.
4. She learned how to pick out feet, change covers, hold the pony for the farrier and muck out paddocks, just so you didn’t have to do it all the time.
5. She quietly looked the other way when you washed your saddle blankets in her washing machine.
6. She got the stains off your jodhpurs, packed your lunch and otherwise kept you organised for shows and pony club.
7. In the rain, in the wind, in the searing heat, and even in the hail and sleet… she’d take you and your horse wherever you needed to be.
8. She gave up the fact she could have lived her whole life without knowing that sheath cleaning is a thing.
9. She clapped when you won, gave you a hug and dried your tears when you fell off, and would give you a reality check if you even thought about sulking, blaming your pony, or showing bad sportsmanship.
10. She sacrificed family holidays and other nice things, just so you could keep riding.
From all of us at NZ Horse & Pony, and grateful daughters and sons everywhere:
PS. If you haven’t got a mother’s day gift sorted yet, a NZ Horse & Pony subscription is the perfect solution, you can get yours here: