Blog #19: Vegetables

Libby has hit the supermarket, so the kiwi apartment is hap-hap-happy!

Healthy food! Vegetables!
Healthy food! Vegetables! (Image: Di Dobson)

We had a winning day in our apartment yesterday. We were all winners when Libby Law managed to get to the supermarket and came home last night with fresh vegetables and other real food. I had broccoli for dinner! The village shop got in some white (a Chilean Sav Blanc) with screw tops! Di had a big win in her job as Press Attache when one of ‘her sports’ – Slalom Cannoe – brought home a silver medal!

IMG_3453The bottle of wine was about $14 NZD, and I grabbed two as they were literally flying off the shelves. I’ve still got another nine days here, so whether they last that long and the shop restocks, who knows! We also have confirmation that the shop is charging very marked-up prices: for example, about 13 Brazilian real for a can of tune (in the supermarket, about three).

We don’t have any cooking utensils in our apartment, unless that is how you describe the microwave. No bowls to put stuff in either, and only plastic cups and plates. The plug we had the microwave in went pzzzzz zap last night and that was the end of that one, but the one next to it still worked, so we plugged it into that and away we went. Add electrocution on to the list of Rio dangers, under bullets, scurvy and exhaustion.

So, I am writing this blog with a cup of tea beside me, it’s not quite perfect as it is in a plastic cup and the milk is rice milk, but hey, I’m not one to be picky! The wine also may well last longer than it would at home; I had a glass last night and to be honest, I didn’t even finish it. I hit the wall and had to go to bed early, 10:30pm saw my eyes shut.

Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro going into the arena (Image: Jane Thompson)
Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro going into the arena and you can see my mates Andrew Bennie – in the box on the right, and Tim Downes – box on the left. They are volunteer writers for the dressage competition (Image: Jane Thompson)

Another big day today, as not only do we have the trot-up for the show jumpers at 7:30am, but we also have the Grand Prix special. I really am a bit out of my depth with this dressage lark. I confess that the finer points escape me, but after very closely watching the 30 horses go yesterday, I can sort of tell the difference between a good or bad piaffe. I just couldn’t ride one.

I’m looking forward to seeing the show jumping horses, always impressive steeds. On Saturday there is just show jumping practice on, and I’m planning on trying to get to New Zealand House to pick up my tickets to the hockey. I have a specialist sport accreditation which means that if I want to get to any other sports I have to buy tickets, which I did, to the hockey. Women’s semi-finals and the men’s gold medal match. Hopefully there will be a New Zealand team involved in both games! The only trouble is I have to go to the other side of Rio to pick up the said tickets, and then come back to just down the road from the equestrian venue to watch the matches. Not the best system in my opinion, but heigh-ho, will get to see a bit more of the city.

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