Puhinui: Muzi’s on a mission
The Advanced title at Puhinui is one of the few big prizes in New Zealand eventing to elude Muzi Pottinger so far, but it...
Puhinui: Sharp-dressed things
The 2020 Puhinui Three-day Event kicked off today on a hot, windy and sometimes drizzly Auckland afternoon, but no matter what the weather gods...
NZ’s new Young and Junior Rider Eventing Champs
Cross-country day had its usual number of dramas and disappointments, hijinks and highlights and some standout performances at the Eventing NHB spring horse trials,...
Hot competition at Hawke’s Bay eventing
Eventing riders and their supporters were delighted to be out again competing in the sunshine of Hawke's Bay today at the Flaxmere Equestrian Park. Quite...
Body protectors: what you need to know
August 1 2020 was the date that a new minimum standard for body protectors was introduced in New Zealand, both for pony club and...
An enduring season ahead
For most horse sports, winter is definitely the off-season. In the sport of endurance, there are a few short distance local rides, but for...
Ms Versatile: Philippa Howells
Philippa Howells is a very well-liked member of a New Zealand show jumping family. She frequently works behind the scenes, contributing significantly, and often...
Sarah samples: hunting
Hunting is one of New Zealand’s oldest rural traditions, where etiquette reigns and a code of conduct is observed and upheld as strongly today as...
Sarah samples: carriage driving
I’ve been fascinated with driving since childhood. My Nanny’s memories of growing up on a farm where horses were depended upon every day were...
Brooke’s brillant victory
Brooke Edgecombe says she has never quite believed in herself. But today at the thrilling climax of the Land Rover Horse of the Year...