Masterclass: stepping up the heights
For this lesson, our trainer Kirstin Kelly is working with Jessica Aislabie and her 10-year-old Weiti Tiberius ('Patch'), who'd been competing at Pre-Novice level...
Trouble-free loading
From a horse’s point of view, he's not supposed to put himself into any situation that would take away his ability go into flight,...
Happy travels
If we own a horse, for most of us there will be a time when we are going to need to transport it somewhere....
The perfect warm-up
An effective warm-up can mean the difference between a good dressage test and double clear, or a poor mark and rails down. We asked...
15 Great Show Jumping Tips
Our experts for this story were top NZ show jumpers John Cottle (Auckland), Matt Gilmour (Taranaki), Rosie Commons (Auckland) and Kate Taylor (Canterbury)
1. Flatwork...
Getting to Grand Prix: 10 top tips from Bill Noble
Bill Noble is one of our leading dressage riders and columnist for NZ Horse & Pony. A strong advocate for soft and compassionate training...
Cool & careful: Jock Paget’s jumping tips
Jock Paget is a leading New Zealand event rider and coach, with career highlights including winning Badminton on Clifton Promise; the pair were also...
Start your horse the RIGHT way: 8 top tips from Vicki...
Vicki uses the the stationbred pony, Ping, for this story: he had arrived at the Wilsons’ property just the day before! Hairy and ungroomed, he had never been ridden in an...
Small changes, BIG results: 12 top dressage tips
1. Take time to warm up
In my warm-up, I think of keeping the walk in a good four-beat and the horse free and...
12 golden rules for cross-country
1. Preparation is everything
“I don’t train at events; I train at home. It’s better to invest your time, money and energy into getting the...