Lockdown boredom busters
If you’re unable to ride – or just don’t feel comfortable doing so during the lockdown period – there are still exercises you can...
Natural wound management for horses
Small injuries to the skin happen continuously, and we take for granted that the body will heal these, and keep infection at bay. However, the...
Separation anxiety: how herbs can help
Separation anxiety is quite natural for herd animals like horses, and it can be distressing both for the horses and for us as owners.
Herbs to help your horse’s fitness programme
Physical fitness is really nothing more complex than being in a good state of general health so that you and your horse can achieve...
Under attack: how herbs can help the horse’s immune system
The immune system plays such an important role in animal health that it should be considered in regard to most conditions, other than acute...
Defence forces: the horse’s immune system
The immune system is one of the most important of the body’s many and complex systems. It works unseen but is vital to the...
Nature’s first-aid kit
Having a working knowledge of herbal medicine is very empowering, and as your experience and confidence grows, you will find your vet bills reducing…...
The good news on garlic
The use of garlic is widespread among horse owners, and its medicinal use in humans has been documented as far back as Ancient Egypt for...
Herbs for horses – St John’s Wort
St John’s wort is a herb with a long but sometimes stormy past that has come into to its own as a safe and...
Manuka honey – nature’s super-healer
The use of New Zealand’s unique UMF manuka honey is becoming mainstream in wound care in Europe, but still lagging at home. The prime...