While we still have some winter weather ahead of us, it’s a great time to be planting on your property. Winter and early spring are the best times for this, as all plants – even evergreens – slow their growth during the colder temperatures, and are less likely to suffer from what is called ‘planting shock’.
In addition, as the plants begin actively growing in the spring, hopefully there will still be enough soil moisture in the ground so they will be unlikely to need watering as they establish their root structure.
So if now is the best time to plant trees and shrubs, the next question to consider is why are you wanting to plant. Different reasons will require different plant types. Common reasons on equestrian properties are for shade, shelter, aesthetics or as a visual barrier.
Many equestrians’ ultimate dream is to have a horse property modelled on the classic European or American stud farm, with miles of black or white post-and-rail fencing, a huge barn, avenues of majestic oak, plane or elm trees, and paddocks dotted with shade trees such as weeping willows. And yes, many of our stud farms here in New Zealand fit this description.
But seeing we do live in Aotearoa, with stunning native trees and plants available, why not use them in your next planting project?

New Zealand’s biodiversity is our native plants and fauna, and makes a significant contribution to overall global diversity, with New Zealand having an estimated 80,000 endemic species. (Endemic means these plants are only found naturally in New Zealand).
However, New Zealand biodiversity is in rampant decline, as pests and habitat loss push increasing number of species toward extinction. At the current rate of loss, nearly 40 percent of plant and bird species will be extinct by the end of this century. So, the consideration of planting natives on your property will not only achieve the objective of shade, shelter and amenity but will also contribute to preserving our native species and provide food for native birds.
So, you’ve decided you want to plant native species, now how do you go about it? Firstly, determine what do you want to achieve. Is it for shade, shelter, amenity, visual barrier or do you have an area you don’t want horses to go into, such as steep land or a boggy area? Especially for a new property, it could be a combination of all of these reasons.
Shade trees
When considering a shade tree on a horse property, many of us think of a weeping willow in the middle of a paddock, with its large spreading canopy providing shade. However, a shade tree doesn’t need to be in the middle of a paddock, and it doesn’t need a spreading canopy. A shade tree can be on the fence line and of a reasonable height, with the key being the tree is place on the fence line so that the sun is behind it from late morning through afternoon in summer. In New Zealand, this is the north-western boundary of the paddock.
Shelter Trees
Well-designed shelter plantings will provide many benefits to your property. They include;
- Improved stock welfare including youngstock survival and growth
- Improved pasture growth
- Reduced wind erosion of topsoil in very windy climates, especially where there are light soil types
- Providing habitat for wildlife
- Creating a more diverse and pleasant environment
There are two important characteristic of shelter plantings: height and porosity.
The taller the trees, the larger the area of shelter created. Tree height is depends mainly on species.
Porosity is a measure of how easily wind can pass through. It is tempting to plant to maximum density; however, a more solid shelter can actually increase wind speed over it and create eddies, which means it will be windier on the “sheltered” side.

As tall trees tend to be more open at the base, often a mix of tall-growing and low-growing species generally provide better shelter; however, they will need a wider area for planting – 3-4 metres or more as opposed to 2 meters for a single species. The best single species trees for shelter often will require ongoing trimming to get the maximum benefit eg. pittosporum so you will need to consider the ongoing cost as well as access for trimming.
Amenity planting
Amenity and visual planting is used to soften the landscape and beautify your property. It can be also used to screen less-desirable aspects, such as your dung heap or the view of a factory in the distance. Well-designed amenity planting will enhance your property and add value to it.

If you have a part of your property that is always wet and turns into a bog in the winter, consider fencing off and planting up with wet area natives. These areas are generally less productive from a grazing perspective, so little will be lost, and you will be doing your bit to enhancing one of the most threatened areas in New Zealand, the wetland.
Wetlands are considered the kidneys of our waterways and have an important role in filtering nutrients and sediment from water as its seeps to streams and rivers. They are also an important habitats that provide food, shelter and breeding sites for many native birds.
Pūkeko (swamp hens), white-faced herons, little shags and some waterfowl (dabchicks, grey teal, paradise ducks, scaup and New Zealand shovelers) are fairly common.
Design considerations
Even if your planting for functionality eg. a shelter belt or shade, having plantings that are aesthetically pleasing will also be important. As you drive around the countryside you will see property planting that makes you just go ‘wow’, and the plants just look like they belong where they are. Other properties – you will just be itching to get the chainsaw out. The properties with beautiful plantings won’t have happened by chance, and are the result of good design.
The best investment you will make in the planting of your property is to get advice. I have a horticultural degree and know how to grow kiwifruit, but as my knowledge of landscape design and the best natives for my area is limited I have used a landscape architect for large projects and seek advice for any smaller projects.
Plants can be expensive. Having a planting plan means you can buy plants when you can afford them and do in stages, but also know where they are going to go, how many you need, and that it is going to look great when completed.
Your local Regional Council, and groups such Forest and Bird also have knowledgeable people when it comes to native planting design. See below for list.
What to plant
While this is an article encouraging you to consider New Zealand native plants on your equestrian block, I do not intend to provide definitive advice on any particular species. This is because there is a huge range of native trees, shrubs and flaxes, and selection will depend on the outcome and the aesthetic you are trying to create. For example, a hedge could be one of the pittosporum species for a softer aesthetic or for a more formal hedge, a griselinia is a good choice – noting both will require trimming if you are wanting to keep them as a hedge. Alternatively, flaxes will create a more freeform hedge that is lower maintenance.
Also in regards to plant selection, you need to consider where you live as different plants thrive in different parts of the country. Think pohutukawa in coastal areas, kauri in northern half of the North Island, and the beech forests of the South Island. If you can, try and source plants that have been grown from seed from your area, as these plants are more suited genetically to your growing conditions. Your regional council should be able to provide lists of nurseries that eco-source their native seed stock.
Plants for birds

When planting native plants, also consider those that will encourage native birds by providing food sources and habitats for nesting. The main reason you for a lack of native birds such as tui in your area is dearth of food sources. Many councils have programmes to create corridors of native habitats that provides a link for birds to move through. In planting suitable native habitat on your property you can be a link in the corridor. There is a large range of plants that will encourage birds beyond the commonly know kowhai, harakeke (flax) and kakabeak – see link below.
Speaking from experience, one note of caution in planting flax around your arena – it is a great screen and looks wonderful, but be prepared when the flax is flowering for fat, drunk tui to fly under your horse’s nose or even their tummy – it makes for an interesting ride!
Poisonous plants
I found limited information on native plants that are poisonous to horses, but ones that are noted as toxic to livestock are the poroporo, tutu and ngaio. In any event, I would recommend fencing your native plantings, not for the risk of toxicity to your horses but to protect your plantings from damage from your four-footed bulldozer.
Another potential advantage of planting natives rather than exotics is that you may be able to access funding for planting and fencing, especially if it is a riparian (river or stream bank) area or for a wetland. Even if your area is too small for funding, you may be able to get access to cheaper plants from a community-based native nursery. Contact your regional council in the first instance for funding opportunities in your area.
Your regional council http://www.localcouncils.govt.nz/
Tane Tree Trust www.tanestrees.org.nz
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society www.forestandbird.org.nz
NZ Landcare Trust www.landcare.org.nz
QE11 National Trust https://qeiinationaltrust.org.nz/
Farming with Native Trees: A Guide for farmers from Northland to Waikato
Plants for birds