I started writing this on day one of lockdown, a strange new world for New Zealanders. Being self-employed and working from home, not a lot has changed for me on a day-to-day basis.
But like everyone, I’ve had to get used to remembering not to touch my face, to wash my hands ALL the time, and the new terms that have fast come into common usage: social distancing, isolation bubble, breaking the chain, and of course the c-word, Covid-19.
This article isn’t about the coronavirus, but it’s a pertinent time to discuss biosecurity, which is not strictly related to environmental matters, but is definitely related. Simply put, biosecurity is the prevention or management of risks from harmful organisms, such as pests and diseases.
The current response to Covid-19 is biosecurity in action at the extreme end of the scale.
The key message from our own and many other Governments is that we all have a responsibility to control its spread, and that is true for biosecurity generally – it’s everyone’s responsibility.
Biosecurity NZ has adopted the slogan Ko Tātou – this is us.
Farming biosecurity includes the prevention of spread of unwanted diseases, such as the current response to mycoplasma bovis in dairy and cattle herds, and weed pests.
I am currently working with farmers to prevent the spread of a weed pest called velvetleaf. You are unlikely to have heard of it, as velvetleaf is a cropping weed, but if it’s allowed to establish here it would decimate New Zealand’s cropping sector.
You might not think that’s irrelevant to you as a horse owner, but think about it: if the cropping sector fails, what are you going to feed your horse? A quick scan of my local equine feed supplier shows that around 80% of the horse feeds offered include a grain crop in some form, so the work done preventing the spread of velvetleaf is not only protecting the cropping sector but also the supply of equine feed, as well as all the foods you consume that use grains such as bread and cereal. Ko Tātou, this is us.
Biosecurity on your property

If you are grazing other people’s horses and they are continuing to care for them, you will have already set up protocols on how and when they come on the property, what they can and can’t do, as well as thorough sanitisation processes such as hand-washing facilities.
Think back prior to the lockdown: what biosecurity protocols did you have to protect your property from pests and diseases – if none, why not? Most of us have become very aware of health and safety protocols on our properties, but until Covid-19, not so much on biosecurity.
There are two strands of biosecurity for an equine property: firstly, diseases that could affect your horses – such as strangles – and secondly, pests and diseases that could affect your pasture health: weeds like barley grass and thistles, and pests such as rabbits and rats.
Your primary line of defence for preventing diseases and weed pests that you don’t already have on the property is your farm gate. Treat your farm gate the same way MPI biosecurity prevents unwanted organisms coming into New Zealand, with checks at the border.
Pests and diseases can be transferred by other stock coming on to the property, or indirectly on clothing, footwear, vehicles and equipment.
What can you can do to protect your property and horses from unwanted pests and diseases?
First, think about all the people that may come on to your land, including farriers, vets, other equine health workers, grazers and agricultural contractors, as well as friends and family members.

Restrict visitors’ unnecessary access to stables, yards and pastures. For example, have your horses ready for the farrier or vet, and away from other horses.
Observe basic hygiene practices, and wash your hands with soap and warm water both before entering and after leaving your property.
Use separate clothing and footwear for working on your property, or clean your footwear before going off property or coming back on.
If you have mixed age horses, it’s a good idea to work with the youngest and most susceptible horses first, and any sick animals last, particularly if they have a transferable disease.

Vehicles and equipment
- Minimise traffic on to property, and keep vehicles clean.
- Clean and disinfect vehicles and equipment carefully before sharing with other properties. Expect your contractors (haymaking, topping etc) to have cleaned their machinery before they come on to your property. Machinery is a common way to get unwanted weeds on to pasture. Have an area where contractors can clean down when finished (with access to a hose) so they don’t take any weeds from your property to the next job.
- Tack and rugs can spread diseases like ringworm, so ideally don’t share gear between horses and take particular care when buying second-hand gear.
- Routinely and thoroughly clean and disinfect anything that comes into contact with your horse or other livestock.
Feed and water
Don’t feed your horses directly off the ground. Design and position bowls and troughs to prevent faecal contamination, and clean and sanitise these regularly.
Buy your feed or feed ingredients from a seller that can verify its safe origin. This includes ensuring hay and baleage is free from weeds, especially the ones you don’t have on your property. If you already have dock, a few dock plants in hay isn’t going to make much difference, but something like barley grass or bristle grass (if you don’t already have them) will cause problems.
Note that feeding your horse in a yard or stable won’t stop the spread of weeds to pasture, as the seeds will pass through the horse and be excreted in dung, ready for germination.
Make sure you keep your feed room well swept, with the feed in rodent-proof bins.
General environment
Use separate tools and equipment for manure handling, and for handling feed or bedding.
Safely dispose of leftover chemicals, medicines and their packaging, and veterinary equipment. AgRecovery will take leftover chemicals. Check with your vet for the best way to dispose of medicines and veterinary supplies.
Dispose of waste away from livestock, humans, and watercourses, as it can cause contamination.
Animal husbandry
Try to minimise the movement of horses between grazing groups, so if there is a disease outbreak it remains within the group – a bit like being in a bubble. Keeping horses in the same group also reduces stress.
If you buy a new horse or other livestock, check out their previous worming protocol. Cattle must be NAIT-tagged and obtain an Animal Status Declaration from the seller and a health certificate from a vet.
Aim to quarantine new stock for at least two weeks, for a proper health assessment and to recover from transport stress or illness. You can also monitor them for diseases. The quarantine period is an ideal time to do a faecal egg count.
Inspect your boundary fences regularly, and repair as needed. Stray stock may spread disease and wild or feral animals such as possums and rats can introduce new pests to your farm.
If you are using or borrowing bulls or rams for mating, check the health status prior to coming on to the property, as they can easily transmit disease.
Deter pests, rodents and birdlife by keeping the area around your yards and stable buildings free of debris, spilled feed and standing water. Keep grass short around stables and yards. Manage pests to control rodent and insect populations.

- Test existing stock and newly purchased animals for diseases – as recommended by your vet.
- Follow the equine and livestock health plan and vaccination schedule you’ve developed with your vet.
- Deworm your dogs.
In sickness and health
Regularly observe your horses and other livestock for any abnormal behaviour and signs or symptoms of disease, and discuss any abnormal behaviour with your vet.
Call a vet to examine dead animals as soon as possible if the cause is unknown.
Restrict movement on and off your block if disease is suspected or identified. Don’t spread disease to other properties you visit, and definitely don’t go where there will be large groups of horses, such as competitions and treks. Don’t become the source of a disease outbreak.
In summary, good biosecurity requires a plan. Good biosecurity is basically good hygiene in a broader sense. While we’re all staying at home doing the right thing in our bubbles it is a perfect opportunity to develop a biosecurity plan using all the skills we’ve learnt to prevent Covid-19. Kia kaha, and keep safe.
Take home message
- Treat your property boundary like a border
- Know who is coming onto your property at all times
- Clean your boots whenever going away from the property or coming back
- Ensure all contractor machinery is clean before coming onto property
- Have somewhere contractor machinery can be cleaned before leaving
- Keep your stables, and yards clean and tidy to discourage pests and vermin
- Keep new horses separate for at least two weeks
- Do not take horses off property if showing symptoms that may be contagious

- This article was first published in the May 2020 digital issue of NZ Horse & Pony