So many beautiful HOY photos

Don't steal or copy a photo without permission, it's illegal, and a very bad look for you personally! We had an amazing team of photographers and here's all the details about how you can get some great photos from them.

Lots of photographers capturing the special moments

There were thousands and thousands of photos taken at the Land Rover Horse of the Year show, followed by hours and hours and hours of editing in the days following. Most photographers now have their images up on their websites available for you to purchase.

We had a great team of photographers who took some incredible images. Here’s the links to their websites (in alphabetical order), where you can purchase images of your finest (or even funniest) moments from the Land Rover Horse of the Year Show.

Ann Bremner – The Candid Queen (aka Eye Witness Images / Zkalb) was seen in various locations, from eeling in the stream to checking out apples. She has shared some crackers on her Facebook page and Instagram account and, if you contact her and ask nicely, you will be amazed at what she may be able to dig out of her files!

Christine Cornege – Christine gave up the chance to ride her own horse at the show so she could capture the best of the show jumping action and she was seen in every jumping arena at different times, and even ventured out to shoot the Eventers!

Christine Cornege

Libby Law  : The unmistakable and talented Libby was stalking eventers, jumpers and her favourite dressage people! Her mission was to capture as many title winners as possible in these disciplines, so by the time she finished the show, she had a good case of ear worm featuring the “stand up, stand up for the champions” song!

Libby Law Photography was on hand to capture so many presentations!

Annie Studholme – Our showing expert photographer was covering the showing classes – even into the dark of the night. She also ventured out to capture some dressage and then was found in the main arena for some show jumping!

One of Annie’s beautiful photos of the beautiful Hack of the Year – Seattle ridden by Sue Reynolds

Jan Sutherland – Take the Moment Photography was all over the show on all of the days so you will find all sorts of photos in her galleries whether you were competing in eventing, dressage, show hunter, jumping, or were out on the polo field!

Jan (left) gets in amongst the pinto action

Jane Thompson – (Pegasus Communications) Jane covered a bit of everything bar the showing so has photos of the pintos, gypsy cobs, standardbreds, side saddle, Welsh, eventing, show hunter, and even snapped a few mounted games and pleasure horses. She also has a few jumping photos plus some random photos of people doing odd, official or other things as she trapsed around every corner of the show grounds.

Handsome chaps!


HOY isn’t HOY without those apples. EVERYONE appreciates them


So, do yourself and our photographers a favour; instead of relying on your phone camera photos, protect your memories by getting a decent photo!




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